Thursday, January 21, 2010

Burger Trailers An 1980s Samo Hung And Jackie Chan Movie???? They're Wearing Yellow Uniforms At A Mobile Burger Trailer ?

An 1980s Samo Hung and Jackie Chan movie???? They're wearing yellow uniforms at a mobile burger trailer ? - burger trailers

Does anyone remember this fim? I remember a scene where Sammo wears a yellow uniform in his burger trailer. I'm not 100% on how many years, but he is pretty sure that it is in the course of 80 years ago when I saw the child.I Nintai as soon as I am a Jackie Chan, not too Sureif


Noel said...

This could be meals on wheels. I'm not sure. But it is the only thing I can remember where food could be included. Yuen Biao is too much?

cynder66 said...

I could say that the film, but here is a list of the films was Sammo Hung:

tormente... said...

Could a movie called "Mou mian issued at (Burger Cop) February 17, 1995 or" tseh Kwai Tsan (food) was on wheels will be published in 1987, the only ones who could be the scene of his thinking

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